
Marketparts Guarantees

Buying and Selling auto parts never been easier for professionals: Find new business opportunities and benefit from an all-inclusive service from Marketparts A to Z for a total transparency and security in your transactions.

Secure, on-time payment—guaranteed
We take care of payment processing, and pay you directly for every order.
Saved Time and money
Grow efficiently with easy order management, plus free marketing included ( webinars, newsletter, online communication..), reporting and customer tools.
Virtual Showroom & Knowledge Center
Take advantages of a virtual showroom with an associated knowledge center to offer a perfect user experience and a perfect technical fit for your offers and products
In Person or Not
We’ve mastered the hybrid approach to digital wholesale. Takes advantages from our sales operators and our digital platform, designed to drive growth and expand your business globally
Benchmark and Market Intelligence
Check your price level worldwide, benchmark your competitors's references, know what your customers want, check the ranges....
Want to have a closer look
at all benefits and use cases ?

You may be wondering

What is Marketparts's commission structure?

Depending the sales channel you use (Parts, Outlet, Exclusive Deals), we apply commissions.
We also apply commissions for extra services like Payment Management, Single Point delivery (Order prepared or Bulk order), Export Formalities.

In all the cases, commissions are fixed and very competitive.
For example, we charge only 8% commissions* on specific operations like “Exclusive deals”.
If you use Marketparts to target your own customers, commissions are cheaper of course.

Everything is done in a total transparency with you to bring you success on growth.

* Please contact us for full pricing list

How do order fulfillment and shipping work?

Depending on the channel sales you use, you fix the Incoterm conditions.
In most of the cases, you deliver directly customers.
We also can organize picking and delivery if needed.

You always decide and fix all the conditions like MOV and Incoterm to provide together the best user experience for an order success. We help you to organize competitive offers.

How and when do I get paid?

Marketparts proceed to Risk and Payment Management.
We’ll pay all your orders directly to your bank account in your local currency.
We guarantee payout 30 days after an order is shipped, or you can choose to get next-day payment for a 3% fee.

Can I use Marketparts if I already have reps?
Yes! We work seamlessly alongside your team, and you can choose to block regions where you already have representation.
Which countries are currently supported on Marketparts ?

We can operate worldwide.

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