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Wie zit er achter Marketparts?

Meet Geoffrey DUCHANOIS & Clément GAUTHIER

Geoffrey and Clément are two talented developers who joined Marketparts in summer 2022. Both are studying in sandwich courses: Geoffrey is in his second year of a software architect master’s degree at Épitech, and Clément is in his first year of a web developer master’s degree at WebTech Institute.

Both work on various aspects of Marketparts, including developing new features, maintenance, bug fixing, and optimizing performance. By working closely with Marc and Pierre-Marie, they have also been able to acquire new skills and develop professionally.

With the new version of Marketparts – which will soon be online – Geoffrey and Clément have many responsibilities and have had to be versatile in order to manage all aspects of development.

According to them, the future of Marketparts will be closely linked to data, which will play a key role in stock management and optimizing the supply chain.

In their daily lives, Geoffrey, and Clément each have their own passions. Geoffrey is passionate about video games, while Clément is passionate about sports, particularly bodybuilding.

Their favorite TV series are Game of Thrones and Californication for Geoffrey and How I met your Mother for Clément.

As with the rest of the Marketparts team, they are both concerned about the environment.
That’s why they choose to come to work by train or public transport rather than by car, which helps them reduce their environmental impact.

Finally, Geoffrey and Clément are happy to have participated actively in the new version of Marketparts and are excited to see what the future holds for them.

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