The best way to stock your store
Shop from verified suppliers around the world at wholesale or manufacturers prices.
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Find new sourcing and immediate availabilities
In one click, ask for prices and availabilities with manufacturers or wholesale prices. Only verified sellers.

Saved Time and money
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Discovering new suppliers has never been this easy
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International Trade
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Buy now, pay up to 60 days later
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Explore the world with our unique areas offers ( India, Us China, EMEA...).
Discover new suppliers opportunities.
Discover new suppliers opportunities.
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The more you shop our wholesale website, the better conditions you'll have

What our customers are saying
«If you aren’t using Marketparts, you’re missing a great opportunity. Start today and deal with a very professional company helping all shopkeepers buy quality products from manufacturers and wholesalers all over the world. »

A simple, easy-to-use B2B platform
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Unique Search and Order Platform
With a fabulous data grid experience
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Daily Deals and Offers
Never miss opportunities
Take advantages from all the channels
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Full order management System
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